Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Ode to the New Year

Going places this year? Wherever you are, may the new year find you in good health and spirits.

Going places this year? Don't forget your friends. 

Going places this year? Make sure to build bridges. 

Going places this year? Don't forget to obey the rules of the road. 

 Going places this year? Learn something useful.

Going places this year? Be patient. You'll get there on your own time. 

Going places this year? Be attentive to the moment.

Going places this year? Don't go around in circles. Head for the horizon.

Going places this year? Keep your eye on the goal

 Going places this year? Relish the living world around you.

Going places this year? Know that it will be a fantastic journey. 

Going places this year? Sing it out with a joy in your heart.  

"I am adventure." Gita 10:36 
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